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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - together


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Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'together' is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘piece together’, ‘pull together’, and ‘sleep together’. 1. If people do something together, they do it with each other. We went on long bicycle rides together... They all live together in a three-bedroom house... Together they swam to the ship. ? alone ADV: usu ADV after v, also ADV cl 2. If things are joined together, they are joined with each other so that they touch or form one whole. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly... She clasped her hands together on her lap... ADV: ADV after v 3. If things or people are situated together, they are in the same place and very near to each other. The trees grew close together... Ginette and I gathered our things together... ADV: ADV after v 4. If a group of people are held or kept together, they are united with each other in some way. He has done enough to pull the party together... ADV: ADV after v • Together is also an adjective. We are together in the way we’re looking at this situation. = united ADJ: v-link ADJ 5. If two people are together, they are married or having a sexual relationship with each other. We were together for five years... ADJ: v-link ADJ, n ADJ, v n ADJ 6. If two things happen or are done together, they happen or are done at the same time. Three horses crossed the finish line together... ‘Yes,’ they said together. ? separately ADV: ADV after v 7. You use together when you are adding two or more amounts or things to each other in order to consider a total amount or effect. Together they account for less than five per cent of the population... ADV: ADV before v, n ADV, ADV cl 8. If you say that two things go together, or that one thing goes together with another, you mean that they go well with each other or cannot be separated from each other. I can see that some colours go together and some don’t... PHRASE: pl-n PHR, PHR with n/-ing 9. If you describe someone as together, you admire them because they are very confident, organized, and know what they want. (INFORMAL) She was very headstrong, and very together... ADJ c darkgreen]approval 10. You use together with to mention someone or something else that is also involved in an action or situation. Every month we’ll deliver the very best articles, together with the latest fashion and beauty news... PREP-PHRASE 11. to get your act together: see act to put your heads together: see head put together: see put
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   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English togedere, from Old English tog?dere, from to to + g?dere ~; akin to Middle High German gater ~, Old English gaderian to gather  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. in or into one place, mass, collection, or group the men get ~ every Thursday for poker  b. in a body ; as a group students and faculty ~ presented the petition  2.  a. in or into contact (as connection, collision, or union) mix these ingredients ~  b. in or into association or relationship colors that go well ~  3.  a. at one time ; simultaneously events that happened ~  b. in succession was depressed for days ~  4.  a. by combined action ; jointly ~ we forced the door  b. in or into agreement or harmony the soloist and the orchestra weren't quite ~  c. in or into a unified or coherent structure or an integrated whole can't even put a simple sentence ~  5.  a. with each other — used as an intensive after certain verbs join ~ add ~  b. as a unit ; in the aggregate these arguments taken ~ make a convincing case  c. considered as a whole ; counted or summed up all ~, there were 21 entries  • ~ness noun  II. adjective  Date: 1963  1. appropriately prepared, organized, or balanced  2. composed in mind or manner ; self-possessed a warm, sensitive, reasonably ~ girl — East Village Other ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv. & adj. --adv. 1 in company or conjunction (walking together; built it together; were at school together). 2 simultaneously; at the same time (both shouted together). 3 one with another (were talking together). 4 into conjunction; so as to unite (tied them together; put two and two together). 5 into company or companionship (came together in friendship). 6 uninterruptedly (could talk for hours together). --adj. colloq. well organized or controlled. Phrases and idioms together with as well as; and also. Etymology: OE tog{aelig}dere f. TO + g{aelig}dre together: cf. GATHER ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вдвоем 2) вместе 3) воедино 4) кряду 5) слитно cracks joint together — трещины сливаются upset-forge components together — проковывать сварной шов - bound together - fit together - lump together - pasting together - put together - putting together - sewing together - together with ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  нареч. совместно - bringing together - calling together - couple together - coupling together - duty to live together - together with Syn: jointly ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. тесно связанный, неразлучный they are a very together pair —- эти двое совершенно неразлучны 2. спокойный, уравновешенный; собранный; удовлетворенный a very together person —- очень уравновешенный (собранный) человек to be looking together —- иметь удовлетворенный вид 3. вместе, совместно, сообща now all together —- а теперь все вместе, а теперь хором to act together —- действовать сообща to go for a walk together —- прогуляться вместе to take a decision together —- принять совместное решение we stand or fall together —- мы вместе в радости и в горе 4. (with) вместе с; в добавление к; наряду с to send a letter together with a parcel —- посылать письмо вместе с посылкой 5. в одну группу, воедино to get together —- собирать; собираться; договориться; накоплять; объединяться to get together on a point —- договориться по какому-л. вопросу to call together —- собирать (созывать) вместе to sew two pieces of cloth together —- сшивать два куска материи to bring the blades of a pair of scissors together —- закрыть ножницы, соединить лезвия ножниц to join together —- разг. прибавлять, складывать 6. друг с другом compared together —- сравнивая одно с другим to knock (to strike) together —- сталкивать друг с другом; ударять одно о другое 7. одновременно to come (to occer, to happen) together —- происходить одновременно we arrived together —- мы приехали...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adv.  1) вместе; сообща; to get together -  а) собирать(ся);  б) накоплять;  в) объединяться  2) друг с другом; compared together - сравнивая одно с другим; the foes rushed together - враги столкнулись  3) подряд, непрерывно; for hours together - часами  4) одновременно  5) coll. как усил. слово после некоторых глаголов: to add together - прибавлять; to join together - объединять(ся); to cooperate together - сотрудничать - together with TOGETHER with вместе с, наряду с; в добавление к ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adv 1 »MAKE ONE THING« if you want to put two or more things together, you join them so that they form a single subject or group  (Mix the butter and sugar together. | He added all the numbers together. | We stuck the pieces together again. | The model was held together with string.) 2 »IN ONE PLACE« if you keep, collect etc things together, you keep or collect them all in one place  (I gathered all my favourite paintings together.) 3 close/packed/crowded etc together if people or objects are close together, packed together etc, they are placed very near to each other  (The climbers were sitting huddled together for warmth. | Her ornaments were all bunched together at one end of the shelf.) 4 »AGAINST EACH OTHER« if you rub, bang etc things together, you rub or bang them against each other  (Max was rubbing his hands together with glee. | Knock the brushes together to clean them.) 5 »WITH EACH OTHER« if two or more people are together or do something together, they are with each other or do something with each other  (We were at school together. | Let's all stay together or someone might get lost. | They've decided to spend more time together. | I hear George and his wife have got back together. | all together (now) spoken (=used when you are asking a group of people to say or do something together))  (Right men. All together now...Push!) 6 »IN AGREEMENT« if people are together, come together etc they are or become united and work with each other  (Together we can win. | We must work closely together on this one. | bring the two sides in the dispute together) 7 »AT THE SAME TIME« at the same time  (Why do all the bills always come together? | You should have used both the tools together.) 8 together with in addition to; at the same time as  (Just bring it back to the store, together with your receipt.) 9 »WITHOUT STOPPING« old use without interruption  (It rained for four days together.)  (- see also get your act together act1 (5), hold together hold1, piece sth together piece2, pull together pull1) ~2 adj...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. togжdere, from to (see to) + gжdere "together" (adv.), apparently a variant of the adverb geador "together," related to gadrian (see gather). Adjective meaning "self-assured, free of emotional difficulties" is first recorded 1966. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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